Ecologi - Davanti Tyres
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The Future

We’re embarking on a climate-positive journey with Ecologi.

Since the Davanti brand was established, we have stood by our mission to be ‘Leading the Way’ in tyre research and development.

Now, as the world navigates a climate crisis, we want to do our part to help reverse climate change and be ‘Leading the Future’ in the industry as a climate-positive tyre brand.

Visit Our Ecologi Forest

Ecologi plant icon Total Trees Planted 36,241 GOAL 2,000+ trees per month

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Our Commitment To Helping Reverse Climate Change

To achieve this, our goal is to plant over 2,000 trees per month over the next 12 months with the help of the environmental organisation Ecologi. By planting trees each month, we will be offsetting our carbon emissions and supporting forestation and reforestation on a global scale.

Ecologi’s reforestation projects focus mainly on Mangroves as they absorb carbon at a much higher rate than other types of terrestrial ecosystems.

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Davanti is Planting trees to help reverse climate change
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